Illinois Cook County, the second most populous county in the United States with more than 5 million residents, implemented RSI’s Revenue Premier, a commercial-off-the-shelf Integrated Tax Processing System and associated infrastructure to update technology and support operational innovation for meeting the challenges of tax administration in the 21st century. The key goals of the project included: mitigate risks associated with maintaining aging tax systems; improve customer service; increase overall efficiency, tax administration flexibility, and employee productivity; and raise additional revenues for county general funds.
DOR contracted with CSG to provide IV&V services for its multi-phased integrated tax system implementation project. CSG conducted an initial IV&V assessment followed by quarterly IV&V assessments of project processes, activities, and vendor deliverables throughout the design, testing, and implementation phases. CSG’s forward-looking assessments proactively mitigated project risks, provided DOR visibility into project health, and enabled effective decision making.